Can get to the bracket from within the boot/trunk but can't get access to sockets without damaging the existing bulbs?How to change the rear brake lights on mk4 VW Golf?
you have to go inside of the car to the back hatch remove the soundproofing and fine the inside oft he light then twist the flange and pull out to remove then change the bulb and reinsert doindg everything in reverseHow to change the rear brake lights on mk4 VW Golf?
I don't have that model vehicle, but I would recommend that you purchase a Haynes Repair Manual for it. Haynes manuals are alot better than Chilton Repair manuals and will give you clear, concise instructions on how to do it.
Every car I get, I always get a Haynes repair manual for it right away.How to change the rear brake lights on mk4 VW Golf?
i own a shop,open the hatch and remove the panel from the back ,and you should see some nuts there that you remove,,this lets the tail light come out,,you can get to them this way,,good luck,hope this help,s.,have a good x-mas.How to change the rear brake lights on mk4 VW Golf?
don't listen to dodgeman , that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. all you have to do is open the trunk and pull back the carpet flap, once the flap is pulled back you can push the locking tabs in on the tail lights and pull them back slightly. if the socket rail gets stuck simply pull up on the part of the carpet it is stuck on. believe me they do come out i do a few of these bulbs a day at the vw dealer i work at.