How do you change the brake light in a 2006 chrysler sebring convertible? I went to the store to look for a brake light, but can't figure out which one to buy.How do you change the brake light?
in the trunk, there should be an exposed brakelight housing (maybe there is a carpet-like covering in the trunk) and the bulb should be able to removed by either unscrewing it or 'push/twist/pull' motion from that housing. or, there may be screws on the outside of the brake light (doubtful on newer cars like this) that you remove, thereby releasing the light itself from the car, and expose the bulb. take it to a local store, and they can match it up for you. better buy 2 because the other will go sooner or later.How do you change the brake light?
you can pop off the lens and take the bulb with you to get one. or just tell them what car you drive, they can get it. goodluck.How do you change the brake light?
Inside the trunk behind the carpet are the nuts to remove the tail light assembly. Remove it and take out the bulb and take it into the store and get one to replace it.