inside the boot has a panel. open the panel and there should be a metal clip at the bottom. push the clip with a screwdriver, it can be quite tough, once the clip is off then the whole light should come away from the car. once off this gives you the access to the bulbs in the light. good luck.How to change car brake light bulb in a citroen?
Look in the car manualHow to change car brake light bulb in a citroen?
Le sanje dans l'abre.How to change car brake light bulb in a citroen?
Every car is different. Don't know what yours is, do I?How to change car brake light bulb in a citroen?
normally they car brakes light bulbs are located in the boot under a pull down or unscrew panel from there you should be able to see the bulbs and therefore change it i hope this helps